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29 May 2008

UNIDO: Director-General Outlines Climate Change Challenge to Industrial Development Board

Kandeh_yumkella14 May 2008: In his opening statement to the thirty-fourth session of UNIDO’s Industrial Development Board, UNIDO Director-General Kandeh K. Yumkella said the accelerating process of global climate change is “ possibly the most pervasive and irreversible global crisis.” He said the global energy crisis was also significant because of its widespread implications, especially on industry, and pointed out other global challenges, including food and global instability, as the major challenges that UNIDO has been asked to assist the international community to resolve.

Outlining UNIDO’s role, he said, “different industrial sectors will be faced with different sets of new environmental and emissions standards. UNIDO will have to do analytical work and engage in this process of change, and be ready to provide support to developing countries to deal with these challenges.” He outlined the Organization’s new programmatic activities, such as the new branch established in February 2008 covering renewable energy, energy access and energy efficiency, and the various global and regional conferences held this year, on biofuels, bioenergy and renewable energy; and a new initiative on green industry to be launched soon. Regarding UNIDO’s role as current chair of UN-Energy, he noted a recent request from the Global Environment Facility to formulate a very large programme for energy for the UN system valued at almost US$ 50 million. The session of the Industrial Development Board convened in Vienna, Austria, from 14-16 May 2008. [UNIDO announcement] [Director-General Yumkella’s speech]


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